Your pissing me off, why are you supposedly so sad when you've never even had real shit happen to you. I'm sorry but its annoying me how you don't even tell me whats wrong so I can't help you if anything shit HAS happened.
Monday, 30 July 2012
Friday, 27 July 2012
snake bites
i got my snakebites done :D
even though most people will hate them, idec they can get fucked its my body and seen as though i already hate myself more than you could hate me, then i suppose your opinion is rather invalid.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
honestly i cannot cry for some abnormal reason and that in itself fucking infuriates me
honestly i eat so fucking much shit that it makes me feel so guilty
honestly i can never stop thinking about what im going to eat next because im greedy
honestly i look in the mirror and all i see are inperfections
honestly i believe i'm ugly
honestly i'm ashamed to be in public because of how vile i am
honestly i feel like i dont even deserve anything i get
honestly i feel like a phoney when it comes to my eating disorder
honestly i am repulsed by my current weight
honestly i feel i've never been skinny
honestly i hate how out of control i am
honestly i think you hate me because of how fat and ugly i look
honestly it infuriates me how obsessive i am
honestly i am not okay, i put on a pretty good mask that i convince myself i'm ok
honestly i just wish that you could accept all my faults and get to know me because i feel like i need you in my life to help me get past these
honestly i feel so so alone right now and it fucking sucks.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Hayley just stop right now, your a fucking twat, no one wants to be your friend so stop trying to be sociable because no one wants anything to do with you!
Hayley you're a fucking burden to everyone, it's be better off if you crawled into a cave and just died, NO ONE would miss you.
A cuddle and a kiss wouldn't go a miss. Feel and look so fat and ugly. I need some control over my food intake again. I'm out of control :( and you don't even care about me, I just can tell.
Feel like such a loner. Had no texts and I have no friends here. Oh and ive been eating shit and I'm fat and have gained weight! And I'm burnt and look ugly. I'm worrying about things at home and just feel proper vile! Bleurgh :l
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Going to ends up gaining loads of weight on holiday because im a fat cunt and that will make you turn away from me even more!
Friday, 13 July 2012
Got weighed today and wasn't as heavy as I thought I would be! But I feel fat still. My brain is just like mush. BUT Ive finished school for 7 weeks ana I'm going on holiday in 2 days... Woooop!
Thursday, 12 July 2012
lonely lonely lonely.
i just want to feel loved and to have some male company who will make me happy and accept me for who i am...
i know what a l o n g s h o t that is for me!!
i mean i'm beyond ugly, fat, boring, pathetic, clingy, selfish, fucked up, jealous!
they're like the WORST quality's to have as a girlfriend so no wonder you don't like me.
do you ever just feel like you miss human contact ? i certainly do like always.
it must just be bliss to have someone to snuggle in bed next to every night, to have someones hand to hold, to have someone to kiss you and tickle/stroke/massage you.
eurgh my mind is just getting way ahead of itself, i mean i'm almost 16 so why do i feel so lonely all the time. i think its just because i have like 0 FRIENDS!
merh i'm going to go snuggle in bed and feel sorry for myself, na night peepz xoxoxoxoxooxox
Damn you mind
Not being able to get something out of your mind, and its starting to turn into paranoia and jealousy and worry... ffs :(
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Jealousy and over thinking things... Not a good combo
I hate myself for constantly being paranoid/worrying/being jealous/lying ect. What a horrible person I am.
All time low
Can't believe I just lied to you! Now your going to be disappointed in me for 2 things :/
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Paranoia paranoia paranoia
Its fucking with my brain! Leave me alone :( I hope its not right and my brain is tricking me.
Monday, 9 July 2012
Fuck life
Feeling so shit but darent tell anyone but then feeling like no body cares. I hate myself :( please just hug me and make me feel better... Ok I shoulda known you wouldn't want to :/
I'm a Fat ugly vile greedy disgusting horrible hypocritical desperate piggy boring piece of shit!
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Friday, 6 July 2012
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
I'm honestly so bored right now, I just can't be arsed doing anything because it bores me and its too early to go to sleep! Argh what to do. Oh yeah and I have a cold and cannot really breathe through my nose, marvellous marvellous marvellous. I'm going to probably just lay in bed doing buggar all until I fall asleep. night io xoxoxo
Monday, 2 July 2012
I'm just having to accept that I'm ugly and fat and lazy, boring, annoying, vile, awkward, obsessive, forever alone.
Marvellous feeling, not!