Wednesday 18 February 2015


This is one of the first times in my life that i am reaching out for help.

I know i'm bad again (my depression, not really my eating disorder). I haven't had these "semi-suicidal" thoughts - yeah that's what i call them for some reason- in a long time.
I'll expand on what i mean by "semi-suicidal" thoughts...
-I do not want to be alive - at all!
-I wish that i was dead
-I have thoughts such as "what if i just stepped out into a busy street, then it would be all over with","what if i bought 100 pills and swallowed them all", "what if i just sped up really quick and then crashed into a wall".
I'm not necessarily saying i'm going to kill myself, because i'm not going to. I'm just looking for an escape out of my head, and just having these thoughts is like a back up of well that i could put an end to it all.

I am so grateful for my friends and family, my friends put up with me sobbing on them for what seemed like an eternity, my family have been really supportive as they can tell that i'm really down again. They're the only reason why i am sticking around right now. Despite my love for them, it doesn't make me feel less like i want to die, i still do want to die, but my love for them is what is stopping me acting upon these feelings.

After a long discussion with my auntie (who has mental health issues and is also a mental health nurse), she has convinced me to go speak to my GP and express how i feel. Since august 2014 i have had no support... no therapy, no medication reviews, no just general meetings with any specialist apart from my GP (who i only saw once). I've basically been battling it out on my own. I don't know what to expect from my GP appointment, i don't really know what to say to him, apart from "please help me i don't know what to do". I'm scared if i tell him about my "semi-suicidal" thoughts that he will refer me straight away for therapy again or send me away. I doubt they would send me inpatient but it is still a worry in my mind. I don't want my meds upping but tbh i think that is my only option right now, either that or to go onto new meds or stronger meds, I don't want councilling, i really dont. I don't know what i want i just don't know how to function at the moment.

I've been let down so many times, people have proven to me why i can't trust people and its shit. It makes me doubt making new relationships with people and makes me not want to talk to anyone about all my problems. Yes i have people that i trust, but only with certain things, i do not trust anyone 100%... not even my own mother. That sounds horrible but how can i trust someone 100% when i can't even trust myself fully.

I want my old body back. I want to be ideally 10kg lighter again, i want to have a thigh gap, i want small arms, no chubby cheeks, a flat tummy, be able to see my ribs and hip bones and collar bones. I know its a horrible thing to wish for but i do want that again. It kills me being this heavy, but i know it'd kill my family seeing me relapse into anorexia again. My bulimia is too strong at the moment for that to happen, i'm constantly just eating something and then purging, eating then purging. Its not necessarily a binge, it may just be like i eat 3 biscuits then purge, eat a yoghurt then purge etc. But it makes me feel out of control and like i can't stop eating. I'm tempted to join a gym and my mum said she'd be okay with that, but i think that would result in me relapsing into anorexia again.

Life is so complicated at the moment and i don't know what to do.

Monday 9 February 2015

Life is shit

Im in a pit of depression again.
I'm fat, i've gained all the weight i lost again. I seem to constantly eat, and its not good food i'm eating, its complete shit that i'm eating. I feel out of control in my food sense, and my whole life.

I'm pretty certain i'm doing shit in college, i just don't have the motivation to start doing my work so i leave it last minute and then panic. I'm doing shit at signing, i just have lost my skill and i'm panicking that i'm losing my ability to sign and that i'm going to waste all this money because i'm going to fail my level 6 course. I'm a dissapointment to every one and i'm going to let everyone down.

My mind is a total fucking dark place to be. Being ignored for 2 weeks without any reasoning, just randomly stopped talking to me has totally fucked with my head. Have i done anything wrong? Have you lost interest? Why are you not speaking with me? Are you seeing someone else? I DONT KNOW WHAT TO FUCKING DO. I hate being ignored, my brain cannot function with it. Being ignored makes you realize how much a person means to you. I hope to god he has a legitimate reason for why he's ignoring me because i cannot think of anything going wrong the last time i saw him.

I hate myself, i don't want to leave my bedroom, i just want to lay in the darkness and let it smother me. I hate going to college, i don't want to go out with my friends even though i love them to pieces, i just really hate facing the rest of the world. I have to put a brave face on for everyone else so that i seem happy. Yes i do laugh and smile sometimes but inside i feel like utter shit. I need the biggest hug going but i need to be left COMPLETELY alone.

I don't know what to do anymore.
